Bodega Boarder Crew is a multifaceted brand I created as a response to the “jockification” of the surf world. The concept was to combine two seemingly different worlds (surf culture and urban culture) and combine them to show the similarities they share. Through this brand I have developed apparel, print publishing, events, podcasts and videos. I have also been able …
Wateraid is a nonprofit whose main mission is to bring clean drinking water to families in Africa who are suffering from unsanitary conditions. These organizations are my favorite to work for as the end result of the design work has an actual real world realization. I was tasked with creating various print materials including brochures, advertisements and fact sheets. One …
Annie Free is an illustrator with a huge Instagram following. She approached us with a request to help her to develop her branding and product line. First we developed her logo and identity off of her illustrations as well as a font to use on all her pieces. Next we developed branded packaging pieces for her line. This was followed …
Modern Marketing Summit was a digital marketing conference that had events in cities such as London, Barcelona, New York City, Los Angeles, Chicago, San Francisco and Cannes. As the head creative director for three and a half years I was responsible with redesigning the brand and executing that brand DNA across multiple channels. Those channels included web, mobile, video, stage, … was an online retailer that worked with emerging designers to develop unique and exclusive products. They had reached out to me after seeing my daily pattern blog (Pattern Of The Day) to develop a small product line with them based off of my designs. The result was a small tee shirt line that they sold on their online store …